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About PinkDots Cupcakes 關於粉紅點點杯子蛋糕:)

懷念當時姐妹們下午的聚會、夜晚的派對,懷念因繽紛外型而使客人囋嘆不已的瞬間,懷念在美期間所嚐到的美妙滋味.....CUPCAKE 蔚成一種時尚代表,也造就一種風氣。在美國,它是每個人孩童時期的回憶,不僅是老祖母的手藝,也是節慶場合中的焦點。不論是在下午時分,啜飲一杯香醇咖啡或濃郁牛奶的時光;或是夜晚時刻,輕嚐香檳的歡愉片段,都能豐富您的生活,延伸您的樂趣,更增添一筆色彩。

Cupcakes were a memorable and sweet memory when I was studying in US. The rich and delicate flavors from the shop around the corner always drag my steps into the wonder land.

Back to Taiwan, I tried to recreate the simple touched feeling. The kind of feeling which mix with the innocence of the childhood and the vogue in parties.

In PINKDOTS, we build a color bridge between you and your fantasy and invite you to take this splendid journey with us.
